Monday, November 5
4 PM-5:15 PM*
SEEC Room C #120
Young People and Climate Change Communication: On the Importance of Taking Account of Emotions & Coping Strategies
by Dr. Maria Ojala, Associate Professor at Örebro University, Sweden
In our efforts to combat climate change, it is important to consider young people. They comprise the future leaders of society who will face the future negative consequences of this global problem. Unfortunately, many young people experience pessimism and hopelessness concerning the future. The question we must consider is how to best communicate with and educate young people about climate change.
*The lecture will be preceded by a performance entitled Young Women’s Voices for Climate!, a project of Inside the Greenhouse, and followed by a reception.
Faculty who are interested in meeting with Dr. Ojala should contact CUMNH.
Young Women’s Voices for Climate combines the creative work/research of Beth Osnes on young women’s vocal empowerment with creative climate communication. A Boulder group of nine young women are meeting once a week for this entire year to use their voices to speak up for climate. This marks their first public event this year and will feature their own original green go go dresses and musical number entitled “What’s Climate Got to Do With It” .Their spirited performance is a fitting opening for this lecture by Dr. Maria Ojala focused on young people and climate change communication.